
  1. Chen, T.-C., Penny, S. G., Smith, T. A., & Platt, J. A. (2025). Machine Learned Empirical Numerical Integrator from Simulated Data. In press at: Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems.

  2. Slivinski, L. C., Whitaker, J. S., Frolov, S., Smith, T. A., & Agarwal, N. (2024). Assimilating Observed Surface Pressure into ML Weather Prediction Models. In press at: Geophysical Research Letters. Preprint:

  3. Heimbach, P., O’Donncha, F., \textbf{Smith, T. A.}, Garcia-Valdecasas, J. M., Arnaud, A., & Wan, L. (2024). Crafting the Future: Machine Learning for Ocean Forecasting. In press at: State of the Planet}. Preprint: here.

  4. Smith, T. A., Penny, S. G., Platt, J. A., & Chen, T.-C. (2024). xesn: Echo state networks powered by Xarray and Dask. Journal of Open Source Software, 9(103), 7286.

  5. Worsnop, R. P., Scheuerer, M., Hamill, T. M., Smith, T. A., & Schlör, J. (2024). RUFCO: a deep-learning framework to post-process subseasonal precipitation accumulation forecasts. Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems.

  6. Smith, T. A., Penny, S. G., Platt, J. A., & Chen, T.-C. (2023). Temporal Subsampling Diminishes Small Spatial Scales in Recurrent Neural Network Emulators of Geophysical Turbulence. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 15(12), e2023MS003792.

  7. Halpern, D., Le, M. K., Smith, T. A., & Heimbach, P. (2023). Comparison of ADCP and ECCOv4r4 Currents in the Pacific Equatorial Undercurrent. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 40(12), 1369-1381.

  8. Platt, J. A., Penny, S. G., Smith, T. A., Chen, T.-C., & Abarbanel, H. D. I. (2023). Constraining chaos: Enforcing dynamical invariants in the training of reservoir computers. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 33(10), 103107.

  9. Platt, J. A., Penny, S. G., Smith, T. A., Chen, T.-C., and Abarbanel, H. D. I. (2022). A systematic exploration of reservoir computing for forecasting complex spatiotemporal dynamics. Neural Networks, 153, 530–552.

  10. Penny, S. G., Smith, T. A., Chen, T.-C., Platt, J. A., Lin, H.-Y., Goodliff, M., and Abarbanel, H.D.I. (2022) Integrating Recurrent Neural Networks with Data Assimilation for Scalable Data-Driven State Estimation. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES). 14, e2021MS002843.

  11. Smith, T. A. A Practical Formulation for an Anisotropic and Nonstationary Mat'ern Class Correlation Operator. (2022). Preprint:

  12. Smith, T. A. (2021). Flow aware parameterizations invigorate the simulated ocean circulation under the Pine Island ice shelf, West Antarctica. Preprint:

  13. Kostov, Y., Johnson, H., Marshall, D., Forget, G., Heimbach, P., Holliday, P., Li, F., Lozier, S., Pillar, H., & Smith, T. Contrasting sources of variability in subtropical and subpolar Atlantic overturning. Nature Geosciences.

  14. Nguyen, A. T., Pillar, H., Ocaña, V., Bigdeli, A., Smith, T. A., & Heimbach, P. (2021). The Arctic Subpolar gyre sTate Estimate (ASTE): Description and assessment of a data‐constrained, dynamically consistent ocean‐sea ice estimate for 2002–2017. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 13, e2020MS002398.

  15. Laguë, M. M., Pietschnig, M., Ragen, S., Smith, T. A., & Battisti, D. S. (2021). Terrestrial Evaporation and Global Climate: Lessons from Northland, a Planet with a Hemispheric Continent. Journal of Climate, 34(6), 2253-2276.

  16. Abernathey, R., Busecke, J., Banihirwe, A., Zhang, C., & Smith, T. Xgcm: a python package for analyzing data from general circulation models. In review at: Journal of Open Source Software.

  17. Goldberg, D. N., Smith, T. A., Narayanan, S. H. K., Heimbach, P., & Morlighem, M. (2020). Bathymetric Influences on Antarctic Ice-Shelf Melt Rates. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125(11), e2020JC016370.

  18. Smith, T. & Heimbach, P. (2019). Atmospheric Origins of Variability in the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Journal of Climate, 32(5), 14831500.

  19. Stoll, B. L., Smith, T. A., & Deinert, M. R. (2013). Potential for rooftop photovoltaics in Tokyo to replace nuclear capacity. Environmental Research Letters, 8(1), 014042.

  20. Osborne, A. G., Smith, T. A., & Deinert, M. R. (2013). Comparison of actinide production in traveling wave and pressurized water reactors. In Proceedings of GLOBAL 2013: International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference-Nuclear Energy at a Crossroads.